12 More Monads

Michael Saelee

April 3, 2019

More on Monads

From here on, we’ll be defining instances of the built-in Haskell functor typeclasses (Functor, Applicative, Monad), so that “do” notation can be used correctly (previously, we lucked out because the instances we defined were already found in the Haskell library).


In addition to return and bind, the Monad typeclass defined by Haskell includes an additional method, >>, shown below:

class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

Remember that >>= is automatically invoked in do notation when encountering a line that “extracts” the contents of a monadic value for use in the following line(s). E.g.,

_ = do
  x <- Just 5
  y <- Just 10
  return (x + y) -- => 15

Is equivalent to:

_ = Just 5 >>= \x ->
    Just 10 >>= \y ->
    return (x + y) -- => 15

But there are situations where, instead of manipulating the value contained by a monad, what we really want to do is directly operate on the computational context. Consider:

_ = do
  x <- Just 5
  y <- Just 10
  return (x + y) -- => Nothing

The line containing Nothing in the do block doesn’t extract anything from the monadic value, so the bind operator isn’t appropriate. However, we still need to account for the presence of it — this do block is interpreted as follows:

_ = Just 5 >>= \x ->
    Just 10 >>= \y ->
    Nothing >>
    return (x + y) -- => Nothing

As we can infer from its type, >> ignores the value contained in its first monadic argument. It should, however, bind the monad to the one in the following line (if there is one).

The default implemention of >> is : m >> k = m >>= _ -> k — this leads to the following re-interpretation of the do block above:

_ = Just 5 >>= \x ->
    Just 10 >>= \y ->
    Nothing >>= \_ ->
    return (x + y) -- => Nothing

We’ll see how this is useful in the next example!

A Simple Logging Monad

data Logger a = Logger {
  logval :: a,
  logmsg :: String
} deriving (Show)

instance Functor Logger where
  fmap f (Logger x l) = Logger (f x) l

instance Applicative Logger where
  pure x = Logger x ""
  (Logger f l1) <*> (Logger x l2) = Logger (f x) (l1 ++ ", " ++ l2)

instance Monad Logger where
  (Logger x l) >>= f = let (Logger y l') = f x
                       in Logger y (l ++ ", " ++ l')
loggedVal :: Show a => a -> Logger a
loggedVal x = Logger x $ "Got " ++ show x

loggedOp :: Show a => String -> a -> Logger a
loggedOp op x = Logger x $ "Performed " ++ op ++ " => " ++ show x
logeg1 = do
  x <- loggedVal 10
  y <- loggedVal 5
  loggedOp "Add" $ x + y
logAppend :: String -> Logger ()
logAppend l = Logger () l
logeg2 = do
  logAppend "Starting"
  x <- loggedVal 10
  logAppend "Doing something crazy"
  y <- loggedVal 5
  loggedOp "Add" $ x + y

State Monad

data State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a,s) }

instance Functor (State s) where
  fmap f st = State $ \s -> let (x,s') = runState st s
                            in (f x, s')

instance Applicative (State s) where
  pure x = State $ \s -> (x,s)
  stf <*> stx = State $ \s -> let (f,s') = runState stf s
                                  (x,s'') = runState stx s'
                              in (f x, s'')

instance Monad (State s) where  
   return x = State $ \s -> (x,s)  
   st >>= f = State $ \s -> let (x,s') = runState st s
                            in runState (f x) s'
pop :: State [Int] Int  
pop = State $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)  
push :: Int -> State [Int] ()  
push a = State $ \xs -> ((),a:xs) 
stackArith :: State [Int] Int
stackArith = do
  push 1
  push 2
  push 3
  a <- pop
  b <- pop
  push a
  push b
  push $ a * b