11 Monads

Michael Saelee

March 15, 2019


The Monad typeclass further extends applicatives so that they support a new operator, >>=, called “bind”.

class Applicative m => Monad m where
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  return :: a -> m a
  return = pure -- "default" implementation

The >>= operator takes a monad, applies a function to its contents to produces a new monad, and combines (binds) the two monads to produce a final result. The binding operation effectively combines the computational contexts of the incoming monad and the one produced by the function.

instance Monad Maybe where
  Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
  Just x >>= f = f x
  return = Just

Let’s consider some functions that produce Maybe monads, i.e., which return values in a context of success or failure.

censor :: String -> Maybe String
censor "foobar" = Nothing
censor s = Just s
(/!) :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
_ /! 0 = Nothing
n /! m = Just $ n/m

Let’s use them with the bind operator:

_ = Just "okay" >>= censor -- => Just "okay"
_ = Just "foobar" >>= censor -- => Nothing
_ = Nothing >>= censor -- => Nothing

Note that the first two are equivalent to:

_ = return "okay" >>= censor -- => Just "okay"
_ = return "foobar" >>= censor -- => Nothing

A common pattern is to do:

_ = Just "okay" >>= (\s -> censor s)

The lambda returns the result of “censor”, which returns a monad, so it can be used on the right side of the bind operator.

_ = Just 20 >>= \x -> Just 10 >>= \y -> x /! y -- => 2.0

Keep in mind that lambdas (starting with ’') extend as far “to the right” as they can. A parenthesized version clearly revealing the lambda structure is:

_ = Just 20 >>= \x -> (Just 10 >>= \y -> (x /! y))

We can now chain together multiple (/!) expressions:

_ = Just 10 >>= \w ->
    Just 20 >>= \x ->
    Just 40 >>= \y ->
    y /! x >>= \z ->
    w /! z -- => Just 5.0

Which can fail:

_ = Just 10 >>= \w ->
    Just 0  >>= \x ->
    Just 40 >>= \y ->
    y /! x >>= \z ->
    w /! z -- => Nothing

This pattern is so common and useful that Haskell provides a special syntax: “do” notation. The previous examples can be written:

_ = do
  s <- Just "okay"
  censor s

_ = do
  w <- Just 10
  x <- Just 20
  y <- Just 40
  z <- y /! x
  w /! z

Each line in a do block represents a monadic value, and “<-” appears to allow us to “extract” the contents of a monadic value. Behind the scenes, what’s really going on is that the bind operator (>>=) is automatically being invoked “between” lines!

The List Monad

Just as with the list applicative, the list monad supports nondeterministic programming via its bind operator.

instance Monad [] where
  xs >>= f = concat [f x | x <- xs]


noun_phrases = do
  article <- ["The", "A", "This"]
  adjective <- ["red", "quick", "fuzzy"]
  noun <- ["fox", "couch", "torpedo"]
  return $ intercalate " " [article, adjective, noun]