CS 331 Syllabus

Course Objectives


Your grade will be broken down into the following components:

All exams are cumulative, and using computing devices of any kind (laptops, tablets, smartphones/watches) is not permitted while taking an exam.

The grade scale is:

Late Policy

Each student has a late pool of 7 days, which may be distributed in any way across all assignments, and may be used to submit assignments past their due dates without penalty. Late days are automatically applied when assignments are submitted past their due dates. After the late day pool is used up, late assignments will no longer be accepted for credit.

Exams may not be taken late without special arrangement with the instructor.

Academic Integrity

You are welcome to discuss assignments with classmates, but all final work must be your own. For details on what constitutes academic dishonesty, consult the university's Code of Academic Honesty at https://web.iit.edu/student-affairs/handbook/fine-print/code-academic-honesty. Any confirmed cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to academichonesty@iit.edu, and any work involved will, at the very least, will receive a reduction in grade deemed appropriate by the instructor.

Disability Resources

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center for Disability Resources and make an appointment to speak with the instructor as soon as possible. The Center for Disability Resources is located in the Life Sciences Building, room 218, 312-567-5744 or disabilities@iit.edu.